Concourse Hosting

About our Team

A dedicated team of mission-driven professionals hellbent on transforming the way data works for the world.

Our Mission

To be the very best

To never have to choose between limited flexibility with hosting or the daunting challenge of managing the Private Cloud and third parties yourself. At Concourse, we’ve made digital transformation the core of our services to help unlock the power

The Concourse Leadership Team

Dedicated experts with a passion for data, security, and the way data works for the world.

Haleh Kendell
Director of Operations
Henry Hillaire
Director of Deployment Services
T.K. Kapelak
Account Manager
William Green
Security Operations Technician
Hunter Johnson
Application Database Specialist
Oliver Bay
Customer Experience Lead
Damon Moody
Automation and Build Engineer
Minoo Ahdieh
Operations Manager
Lets get in touch!

Interested? Meet our Experts

Learn why we're the preferred home for all things digital with our dedicated hosting and data experts.

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